I Have No Value (David) Part-3 Mephibosheth

I have no value when you are completely down on yourself. (Downtrodden)- To feel oppressed, persecuted or subjugated trodden down, trampled down abused by a superior power. How to understand that you have value even when your world seem contrary God always have plan for those who rust him. The power of the word of God. Have a relantionship with. Scripture Taken From ESV and The New King James Version 1 Samuel 18 and 2 Samuel 9
I have no value when you are completely down on yourself. (Downtrodden)- To feel oppressed, persecuted or subjugated
trodden down, trampled down abused by a superior power. How to understand that you have value even when your world seem contrary God always have plan for those who rust him. The power of the word of God. Have a relantionship with. Scripture
Taken From ESV and The New King James Version 1 Samuel 18 and 2 Samuel 9
You Are Not Alone