Satan Has A Conversation With God (Job) part 1

Satan has a conversation with God .In the book Job satan has a conversation with God about what he has being doing. God asked Job have you considered my servant Job satan informs God the only reason Job honors him is because of his protection. God replied well said then gave him authority of Job life but gave strict order not touch him. Job Lose everything never cursed God but praised he did not accuse God of wrongdoing.The meaning of the word blameless in Hebrew he was a mature worshiper of God who conscience was clear. He was a man of integrity, wholesome in his attitudes and righteous lifestyle Scripture taken from New International Bible Chapter 1 Book of Job
Satan has a conversation with God .In the book Job satan has a conversation with God about what he has being doing.
God asked Job have you considered my servant Job satan informs God the only reason Job honors him is because of his protection. God replied well said then gave him authority of Job life but gave strict order not touch him. Job Lose everything never cursed God but praised he did not accuse God of wrongdoing.The meaning of the word blameless in Hebrew he was a mature worshiper of God who conscience was clear. He was a man of integrity, wholesome in his attitudes and righteous lifestyle
Scripture taken from New International Bible Chapter 1 Book of Job
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