The Supplanter The Liar (Jacob) Part - 1

Jacob steals his brother blessings. Jacob will get a name change. The meaning Supplanter takes over or takes the place of someone else, usually on purpose. If usurping thrones is your thing, then maybe you have a future as a supplanter. Supplanter takes the place of someone or something that was there first. The meaning of Liar - a person who tells lie. Scripture Taken from NIV Chapter 25, and 27.
Jacob steals his brother blessings. Jacob will get a name change.
The meaning Supplanter takes over or takes the place of someone else, usually on purpose. If usurping thrones is your thing, then maybe you have a future as a supplanter. Supplanter takes the place of someone or something that was there first. The meaning of Liar - a person who tells lie. Scripture Taken from NIV Chapter 25, and 27.
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