Displaying 301 - 330 of 514 in total

Follow God's Instructions ( Part 6 Judges Chapter 14)

Follow God's Instructions part 6 story of Samson. Scripture taken from the NIV Bible Judges Chapter 14.

More Than Conquerors ( Romans 8 )

More than conquerors with aid of the Holy Spirit, and Blood Of Jesus you have victory. Paul writes from experience all kinds of difficulties. Scripture taken from NIV...

Following God's Instruction Part 5 Judges Chapter 13

The story of Samson birth how his parents followed God's instruction and had a son. Scripture taken from the NIV Bible Book Judges Chapter 13.

Waiting On God ( Psalm 40)

Waiting on God when it difficult do not give keep trusting God. Scripture taken from the NiV Bible Psalm Chapter 40.

God Reveal Secret ( Genesis 31 Time To Come Home)

How God reveal secret to his people.Story how God blessed Jacob when it was time to come home. Scripture taken from Genesis 31 NIV Bible.

Twice As Much 2 Kings 2

Maranatha 36 year anniversary celebration Story of Elisha double anointing taken from 2 Kings 2 NLT Bible.

I Trust God ( Psalm Chapter 1)

I trust God based on Psalm Chapter 1. This story tell how blessed are the righteous, what will happen to the wicked. Scripture taken from the NIV Bible Psalm Chapter 1.

In The Den ( Daniel Chapter 6)

Story of how God save Daniel for the Den of Lions because he trusted his God. Scripture taken from NKJ Bible Daniel Chapter 6.

Follow God's Instruction ( Part 4 1 Kings 19)

Follow God's instruction Elijah get tired but God shows up in a whisper. Scripture taken NIV Bible 1 Kings 19.

Joy is Coming ( Psalm 30)

Joy is coming when David had a got rest from his enemy he deicated house to the Lord. Scriptures taken from the KJ Bible Psalm 30.

I'm In Trouble- In The Fire ( Daniel 3)

Story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego how God protect them in the fire furnace. Scripture Daniel 3.

Follow God's Instruction Part 3 ( 1 Kings 18)

Follow God's Instruction see what happen Elijah trusted in God, and it rained. Scripture taken from NLT 1Kings 18.

Follow God's Instruction Part 2 ( 1 Kings 18 Elijah)

Follow God's instruction story of Elijah how God word. God is faithful to his promises. Scripture taken NKJ Bible 1 Kings 18.

Marriage Christ And The Church ( Ephesians Chapter 5)

Marriage Christ and the Church accord to the scripture taken from NKJ Bible Ephesians chapter 5.

When You Are Trouble Praise God ( Psalm 34)

when you are trouble praise God on what David did in hard time. Scripture taken from NKJ Bible Psalm 34.

Wives How To Win Your Husband ( 1 Peter 3)

Wives how to win your husband over by trust in God based on Peter. Scripture taken from NLT Bible 1 Peter 3.

How Israel Became A Nation ( Exodus Chapter 1)

The story how Israel became nation been only seventy people. Scripture taken from NKJ Bible Exodus Chapter 1.

Follow God's Instructions ( 1 King 17 Story Of Elijah )

Story of how Elijah follow God's instruction. God feed Elijah, widow, and son. 1 Kings 17 Scripture taken from the NIV Bible.

Be Careful on How You Judge The Woman Caught In Adultery ( John 8)

Be careful on how judge the woman caught in Adultery. Jesus show mercy and compassion. Scripture taken from NLT John Chapter 8.

The Gift God Gave Man Was A Woman ( Genesis 2)

The gift God gave man was a woman found in the booK Genesis chapter 2. Scripture taken from NLT Bible.

The Giant You face Will Bless You ( 1 Samuel 17)

The giant you face in your life will bless story of David when he defeated Goliath. Scripture taken 1 Samuel 17 NLT Bible.

Does Jesus Pay Taxes ( Matthew Chapter 17

Does Jesus pay taxes? Before Peter could ask him about paying taxes .Jesus answered what was on Peter heart, and mind. Scripture taken from the NLT Bible Matthew Chapt...

I Want To See ( John Chapter 9)

The story of man been born blind all for God glory " I was blind but now I can see". Scripture taken NLT Bible John 9.

I Need To Touch Jesus Luke Chapter

I need to touch Jesus story of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years. Scripture taken from the NLT Luke 8.

Jesus Know You By Name The Call Of Apostles Mark Chapter 3

The Call of Apostles by name found in the Book Mark Chapter 3. Scripture taken from the NLT Bible.

Jesus Can Provide For You The Call Of Peter Luke Chapter5

The story of Jesus calling Peter by Miracle of catching fishes. Scripture take NLT Bible Luke Chapter 5.

Follow Me The Call Of Matthew

The call of Matthew Jesus told Matthew follow me. God can use anybody. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Matthew 9.

We Need The Word ( Matthew 4)

When satan came against Jesus stood on the word of God. Scripture taken from NKJ Bible Matthew Chapter 4.

I Know You By Name ( Luke 19 Zacchaeus)

Jesus called Zacchaeus by name he spent time in house. Jesus came for the lost. Scripture Taken NKJ Bible ( Luke chapter 19.

Love Your Enemies The Power Of Giving ( Luke Chapter 6)

Jesus teach on love your enemies trusting in God not yourself. Scripture taken NKJ Bible Luke Chapter 6.

You Are Not Alone