Displaying 331 - 360 of 514 in total

Doing Something For Someone Else Conclusion ( Part 4 Ruth)

The conclusion of the story of Ruth how God Bless her God is a faithful. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Ruth Chapter 4.

I Been Here For A long Time (John Chapter 5)

The story of the man who been sick for 38 years was healed by Jesus. Scripture taken from NLT Bible John Chapter 5.

Doing Something For Someone Else (Part 3 Ruth)

Doing something for someone else the story of Ruth, caring for her mother in -law. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Ruth Chapter. 3.

The Least Of The Least ( Judges Chapter 6

The story Gideon the least of the least. God use Gideon to deliver the Children of Israel. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Chapter 6.

Doing Something For Someone Else ( Part 2 Ruth)

Story of Ruth how she made a sacrifice to leave all expecting nothing. But God rewarded her for her faithfulness. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Ruth Chapter2.

Doing Something For Someone Else ( Ruth)

Story of Ruth sacrifice for her mother- in-law. She walked away from everything to following God the creator of the heaven and earth. Scripture taken from the NLT Bibl...

God Can Do It Overnight ( 2 Kings 7)

God can di it overnight store of how God provide for his people within 24 hours. Scripture found in NLT Bible 2 Kings Chapter 7

The Power of Giving Part 3 Series Power of Prayer Luke Chapter 7

The power of giving the faith of the Roman Soldier who servant was healed by Jesus spoken word. NLT Bible Luke Chapter 7.

Slave Girl Faith In God 2 King 5

The story of the this slave who had faith God when living in the land of her enemy.Scripture taken from KJ Bible 2 King Chapter 5.

Pressing My Way Through Matthew Chapter 15

The story of the Gentile woman faith getting God to answer her prayer. NLT Bible Chapter 15.

Pressing Way Through (Luke 18) Part 1

The power of prayer taught by Jesus in Luke 18 NLT Bible.

The Power of Prayer And Walking In Love

The power of prayer and walking love based on Matthew Chapter 7, and 1 Corinthian 13 GW Bible, and NLT Bible.

How to pray Matthew Chapter 6

How to pray based on how Jesus taught disciples to pray. Matthew Chapter 6 NLT Bible.

The Power Of Prayer At Midnight Acts Chapter 16

The power of prayer at midnight when Paul, and Silas prayed at midnight.God sent an earthquake scripture taken the NLT Bible.

When Trouble Comes (2 Chronicles 20)

When trouble comes how God defeat the enemy of Israel based on 2 Chronicles 20 NLT Bible.

It Time To Leave Exodus Chapter 12

It time to leave children of Israel are about to come out of bondage story of departure out of Egypt. Scripture taken NLT Bible.

The Blessings Of Abram Genesis Chapter 12

The blessings of Abram all God needs is one person to trust him. Scripture taken from the KJB chapter 12.

God Keeps His Promises ( Genesis 42)

Story of Joseph God keeps his promises Genesis 42. Scripture from KJB.

It's All About Jesus Part 3 ( Isaiah 53)

It's All about Jesus part 3 from Isaiah 53 KJB.

It's. All About Jesus Part 2 (Luke Chapter 2)

It all about Jesus Part 2 (Luke Chapter 2). The birth of the Messiah. Scripture taken from the NIV Bible Luke Chapter 2)

It's All About Jesus Luke Chapter 2

It's all about Jesus the brith of Messiah Luke chapter 2 NLT.

The Birth Of Messiah ( Matthew Chapter 1)

The brith of the Messiah Matthew chapter 1. Scripture taken from NLT.

Part 2 Birth Of John the Baptist (Luke Chapter1)

The Birth of John the Baptist part 2 the conclusion of his miracle birth. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Chapter 1.

The Birth Of John Baptist ( Luke Chapter 1)

The miracle birth Of John The Baptist the forerunner for the Messiah Jesus The Christ. Scripture Taken NLT Luke Chapter 1.

He Called Him By Name( Story Of Lazarus John 11)

Story of Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. Scripture Taken From NLT.

I Love My Brother (1 John 4)

Can not love God, and hate your brother. Scripture taken from KJV 1 John 4.

Wisdom Comes From God (Jeremiah 17)

Wisdom comes from God found Jeremiah 17. Trust God not man Scripture taken from NLT.

God Speak In Dark Places Jeremiah 33

God speaks in dark places when going through difficult times God has word. Story of Jeremiah been in Prison. Scripture taken from NLT.

God Can Do It Story Of Joseph ( Part 4)

God can do it the story of Joseph ( Part4) scripture taken from NIV Genesis 45.

The Second Coming The Season Of Advent

The meaning of Advent and second coming Of Christ. Scripture Taken From The NLT.

You Are Not Alone