Displaying 421 - 450 of 514 in total

He Is Alive An Well ( John 20 Doubt Thomas)

A doubting Thomas is a skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience a reference to the Apostle Thomas, who refused to believe that resurrected JES...

Holy Saturday (Matthew 27)

Holy Saturday Tomb is Empty Matthew 27 NKJV Bible.

Holy Thursday ( Last Supper)

Holy Thursday Jesus celebrate Last Super tell about his death, and he will not eat again to the New Kingdom. Scripture Taken From The NIV Bible Luke Chapter 22.

Holy Wednesday Or Spy Wednesday

Holy Wednesday Or Spy Wednesday Judas goes to Pharisees to ask what will they give him to betray. They gave him 30 pieces of silver he started look for opportunity t...

Holy Tuesday (Matthew 26 : 1-16 )

Holy Tuesday some observe Christ's predictions his own death, as described in John 12: 20-36, John 13: 21-38. Scripture Taken NIV Bible Matthew 26: 1-16.

Holy Monday (Mark 11)

Holy Monday occurred one day after Palm Sunday. Only one day before Holy Monday, the Pharisees had ordered Jesus to silence the crowd's joyful praises ( Luke 19:37-39)...

Palm Sunday ( Matthew 21: 1- 9)

Palm Sunday at the end of the Bible, people from every nation raise palm branches to honor Jesus ( Revelation 7:9) Palm Sunday commemorates the entrance of Christ into...

Do Not Tell The Secret

Delila, in the Old Testament, the central figure of Samson's last love love love story "Judges". She was a Philistine who, bribed to entrap Samson, coaxed him into rev...

The Walls Are Coming Down (Jericho Joshua Chapter 6)

The walls are coming down. Then the Lord said to Joshua, see I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. When you hear them sou...

God Washed My Feet ( John 13)

God washed my feet in the Book of John Chapter 13. The recount Jesus performance of this act. He instructs his disciples: if I, then, your Lord and Teacher, have washe...

The Story Of Ruth ( Part 2)

The story of Ruth a chapter, a woman who after being widowed remains with her husband's mother where you die there will I be buried ruth accompanies Naomi to Bethlehe...

The Story Of Ruth

The story of Ruth a chapter, a woman who after being widowed remains with her husband's mother where you die there will I be buried ruth accompanies Naomi to Bethlehe...

Joseph ( The Father And Son Reunion Part 6)

The Dreamer Joseph most beloved of Jacob's sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob's gift to Joseph, a resplendent coat of many colors, the ...

Joseph ( The Family Reunion Part -5)

The Dreamer Joseph most beloved of Jacob's sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob's gift to Joseph, a resplendent coat of many colors, the ...

Joseph (The Family Reunion Part -4 )

The Dreamer Joseph most beloved of Jacob's sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob's gift to Joseph, a resplendent coat of many colors, the ...

The Dreamer ( Joseph Part 3)

The Dreamer Joseph most beloved of Jacob's sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob's gift to Joseph, a resplendent coat of many colors, the ...

The Dreamer (Joseph Part 2)

The Dreamer Joseph most beloved of Jacob's sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob's gift to Joseph, a resplendent coat of many colors, the ...

The Dreamer (Joseph Part 1)

The Dreamer Joseph most beloved of Jacob's sons, is hated by his envious brothers. Angry and jealous of Jacob's gift to Joseph, a resplendent coat of many colors, the ...

Does God Make A Difference With His People

Does God make difference. when there was darkness in Egypt there was light in Goshen Israelites experienced blessedness in the midst of trouble they were unaffected by...

The Unlikely Hero (The Parable Of the Good Samaritan)

The unlikely hero. The parable of the good Samaritan on one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus which of these three do you think was a neighbor of th...

Isaiah Chapter 53 ( The Messiah )

Isaiah predicted that Judah would eventually be defeated because of their sin, but he also saw an ultimate redemption and the restoration at the end of the story. Majo...

Miracle Tuesday (Acts Chapter 3)

The name of Jesus of name has power today, Acts Chapter Silver and Gold but in the Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk. Everyone in the ancient world at all familiar with Je...

Jealousy (Number Chapter 12)

Jealousy Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite. Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Moses had a s...

The Call Of Isaiah

Isaiah was Hebrew prophet who was believed to have lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Born in Jerusalem , Israel, he was said to have found his ca...

Mark Chapter 3 ( The Call Of God)

Mark 3 in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It relates conflict over healing on the sabbath, the commissioning of the twelve apostles, a conflict with scribes ...

The Parable Of The Persistent Widow (Luke 18)

The parable of the persistent widow. In this parable of persistent widow deal with a powerless woman who went unjust judge for justice against her adversary he would n...

Fiery Furnace (The Book Of Daniel)

Fiery Furnace Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, ninety feet high and nine feet wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. But not even th...

Zacchaeus (The Tax Collector)

The story of Zacchaeus is used bybsome to illustrate the saying of Jesus" Bleesed are the pure of heart frothy shall see God" because Zacchaeus means " Pure" Zacchaeus...

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