Displaying 391 - 420 of 514 in total

Jesus Rejected At Nazareth ( Mark 6: 1-6)

Jesus rejected at Nazareth for the second time. The meaning of doubt and unbelief Scripture Mark 6 1-6 NLT.

I Am Being Tested !!! ( James Chapter 1)

I am being tested. James Chapter 1 deal with understanding that when difficult that God is give you chance for you faith grow. Scripture taken NLT James Chapter 1.

Time To Get Up ( Joshua 1)

Time to get up story about Joshua time to lead the people into promise. The Scripture Taken From ESV Bible Joshua Chapter 1.

God Works At Midnight!!!

God works at midnight. Different scripture that show God work on the behalf of people at midnight. Scripture taken NKJ Bible.

Do Not Let The World Take You Away From God ( Mark 4)

Do not let the world take you away from God Mark Chapter 4 Parable of the farmer sowing seeds. The seed is God's word. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Chapter 4.

Independence In Christ (Exodus 12)

Israel given independence after over 400 years of slavery God keeps his promise. God is faithful to us. Scripture Taken from The NIV Bible Exodus Chapter 12.

I Am Free In Jesus ( Mark 5 : 1-20)

I am free in Jesus Mark chapter 5: 1-20. Jesus shows his authority of demons proving He was the Son of God. Scripture Taken From ESV Chapter 5: 1-20.

You Can Trust God ( Psalm 27)

David write Psalm 27 to tell about the greatness God. You can trust God he is faithful he keep his promises. Scripture Taken From ESV Bible Psalm 27.

God Defeat Giants Of Your Life (Ps.9)

God will defeat giants of your life Psalm 9 written by David to praising God for victory. Scripture Taken From The NLT Psalm 9.

The Wait Is Over

The wait is over Christ visit Abraham, and Sarah to bring good news about the birth of Issac Scripture Taken From NIV Bible Genesis Chapter 18.

It Is Time Move (Abram 12 Genesis)

It is time to move. God gives Abram all kind awesome promises guess what God Keeps his word.We walk by faith not by sight.Scripture Taken NLTBible Chapter 12.

The King Could Not Sleep ( Esther Chapter 6)

The King could not sleep because it is time for God to show up to rescue Mordecai and Jews nations. God has all power Scripture Taken NKJ Bible Esther Chapter 6.

The Conversion Of Saul (Acts 9 )

The conversion of Saul when Jesus call Saul out for persecuting the Church. Saul become a solider in the Army the Lord. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Acts Chapter 9.

I Need A Friend (Acts 11 Paul Or Saul)

Saul need a fiend. He gets a name change. He now Paul . Scripture Taken form NLT Bible.

All Is Well ( 2 Kings 4 Shunammite Woman

All is well the shunammite woman faith. She believed by faith her son would return back from death. When her son died all she said was everything was well when it was ...

Jesus Do Not Pass Me By (Matthew 14)

Jesus and Peter walk on the water the power of faith. Keep your eyes on Christ. Scripture Taken from KJB Bible Matthew 14.

I Lost It All But Got All Back ( 1 Samuel 30)

I lost all but got all back story of David three days later he will be king 3 days later. David had trust God by faith he got Victory. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible ...

God Sees And Hear (Genesis Hagar)

Genesis the story Hagar she was slave who was made to have child for master. But she was mistreated by her master Sarai. Hagar after been beaten and ran away. But the ...

I Have A Plan ( The Book Of Jeremiah Chapter 29: 11-14)

In the book of Jeremiah chapter 29 God has a good plans for our lives Scripture Taken for The living Translation The Book Jeremiah.

The Story Of Rahab ( Mother's Day Special)

The story of Rahab she save here entire family by believing in the God of Israel who was not her God. Scripture Taken From The Living Bible The Book Of Joshua Chapter 2.

Faith (Hebrews 11)

Faith is believing God in the impossible. God moved by faith. Disbelief keep God from moving in your life. Without faith it impossible to please God!!! Scripture Taken...

The Parable Of The Lamp (Mark Chapter 4)

The parable of the lamp Jesus explain believer should not hidden their lamps. We are supposed share the gospel with the lost.Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible Mark Ch...

I Knew You Before (Jeremiah 1)

I knew you before Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet. God knew Jeremiah before he was in mother womb. God comfort Jeremiah before sending him to work. Scripture...

I Need A Touch From Jesus ( Mark 5)

I need a touch from Jesus. Mark Chapter 5 two people need a touch from Jesus to receive healing by faith. Scripture Taken from The NLT Mark Chapter 5.

I Wrote A Poem To God ( Isaiah Chapter 38 King Hezekiah)

I wrote a poem to God. Isaiah tell Hezekiah he will die!! Hezekiah prayed to God changed his mind. Hezekiah wrote a poem to God because of God unfailing mercy, and gra...

The Power Of Fasting ( Mark 2, 2Chronicles 20 )

The Power of Fasting. Jesus explain why disciples did not have fast while the groom was present. 2 Chronicles 20 King Jehoshaphat called for a fast so that God could ...

I Want To See ( Blind Bartimaeus Mark Chapter 10)

I want to see blind Bartimaeus receives his sight. Because he would not give he kept calling on Jesus. Scripture Taken From The NIV Bible Mark Chapter 10.

Job Answers God ( Job 42)

Job answers God. Job realize God can do anything, and everything. God gives Job twice as much he had before after Satan attacked him. Scripture Taken From The NIV Bib...

Out OF A Whirlwind (Job 38)

Out of a whirlwind God speak to Job demand him to gibe him an answer. God speak up for himself. Scripture taken from The NLT Job Chapter 38.

I'm Tired But The Promise Is Real

I'm tired but the promise is real God keeps His promise. Caleb followed God wholeheartedly it took 45 years. God keep His promise. Scripture taken The NIV Bible The Bo...

You Are Not Alone