Displaying 481 - 510 of 514 in total

Who Is Really In Charge

Who is really in charge God, or man. Sovereignty of God is the Christian teaching that God is the supreme authority and all things are under His control. God is the s...

Jonah Part- 3 Stop Running

Jonah part-3 stop running. you can not hide from God. God has a plan for your life. Learning to trust God. scripture take from the NIV Bible Act 16: 22-29 The Book ...

Jonah Part-2 Stop Running

Jonah part-2 stop Running you can not hide from God he see everything. God has plan for your life. Scripture taken (Today's Bible translation) Jonah Chapters 1,2,3

Jonah Part -1 Stop Running

Jonah running away from God, but nobody can run from God it is impossible to escape God. " You Can Run But Can Not Hide" God is all seeing, and knowing. NIV Jonah Ch...

Destiny Part 6 (Moses Life)

Destiny the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. Destiny comes with challenges Moses had deal with a stubborn Pharaoh. ...

Destiny Part - 5 (Moses Life)

Destiny meaning the event that will necessarily happen to person or thing in the future. Moses is begin used by God to tell the Pharaoh let my People go. The meaning...

What Is Authority

What Is Authority The concept of authority seldom appears in the Old Testament. It is used predominantly in the New Testament, where the word exousia function in at l...

Is God Really Merciful - Does He Judge Were You At

Is God Really Merciful - Does He Judge Were You At. God is merciful. He will use were you are at. God Knows you can change. God will sand by your side. Scripture ta...

Destiny (Moses Life ) Part 4

Destiny the inevitable or necessary fate. Destiny is not always easy in destining.Trusting God in difficulties. Scripture taken from Dakes King James Exodus Chapter 4

Psalms 16 (Third Messianic Psalm) David Seen God

Psalms 16 (Third Messianic Psalm) David Seen God. The meaning of Psalms 16 David has revelation who God is. How to trust unseen God. Scripture Dakes King James Versio...

Destiny ( Moses Life) Part 3

Destiny is the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. Destiny is not always easy but trust God in everything. God will neve...

Start Out Great- Now Forgotten Series 2

Started out great now forgotten. Looking at the rise and fall of Moses. How he restored to be the deliver of the children of Israel. Scripture taken New King James B...

Start Out Great- Now Forgotten Series 1

Start out great now forgotten this is series number 1. Will be discovering the life of Moses how he was born. How he was rescued from death. The second Ark is built. ...

They Don't Believe I Love Them - Tell Them About Me

They Don't Believe I Love Them - Them About Me. Does God love his people. How do find this out.

Stay Committed To God - During Adversity

Stay committed to God during adversity. When things do not go your way. How not to give up on God while dealing with Adversity.

Wait On God -Never Give Up

Wait On God- Never Give Up. How to wait on God when the promise take a long time. Make sure you have Godly people around you. God keeps his promise.

What Is Faith

What is faith. How to use your faith. Faith please God. Faith has it reward. Thompson Chain Reference Chapter 11: 1-40 Genesis Chapter 6 1-6 Genesis

You Know Can Go Back Home

You Know you can go back home. When you feel you can not get right with God or family, and family.

God Does See

God does see. when we are difficulties God can see our affliction. He will help without you even asking. God sees Hagar troubles

The Greatest Gift Is Love

The greatest gift is love. the Bible speaks of spiritual gift in 1 Corinthians 12 speaks of the different gifts given by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 13 gift of love.

The Blessing Of Following God- The Curse Of Not Following God

The blessing of following God. The curse of not following God. God has a plan for obedience and a curse for disobedience

When We Praise God He Fights For Us

When we praise God he fights For Us. The power of our words. The invisible God is alive.

Are You Willing To Take The Step

Are you willing to take the step. When God gives you a promise are are you to take the faith. Trusting God to keep his word. God is Faithful

The Promise Is Real

The Promise is Real. When God gives a problem the enemy use doubt to stop the promise. We become double mind when the promise take a long time.

When You Need A Word From God

When you need a word from God. Does God speak to his people and give them answers.

God Is Bigger Than Our Problems

God is bigger than our problems. God cares about everything we going through. How to trust God in difficulties.

Eternal Life (Missing a Love One)

Eternal Life what is? How do you get Eternal Life can it be bought)

You Are Not Forgotten

You are not forgotten. Give the down trodden hope when they feel unseen by God and other. (Bible New American Standard Bible) 1 Samuel 16: 1-14 (Samuel anointed David...

The Will Of God For Your Life

The will of God for your life. To show that God has plan for your life. All scripture take from theBible Amplified Version . Read Daniel 3 God is with you in the fire

You Are Not Alone