Displaying 181 - 210 of 514 in total

He Fights For Me ( Isaiah 59)

He fights for me in Isaiah God will stand for you in Battle. Scripture Taken From KJ Bible Isaiah 59.

The Power Of Fasting Matthew Chapter 17

The power of fasting based on the Bible, and corporate fasting. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible Matthew Chapter 17.

Whatsoever Matthew 28/ John 14 He Comes The King

Here come the king Jesus will be teaching that he is the one an only true king with all power and authority on Heaven as well earth. Scripture Taken From NKJ Bible Mat...

Here Comes The King Matthew Chapter 3

Here come the King Jesus as we begin to explore the life of Christ. The True King His Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible Matthew Cha...

All Things Romans Chapter 8

As we look back over 2022 all things work for the good of those who love God. We thank god for bring us through another year. Scripture Taken From NKJ Bible Romans Cha...

The Kingdom Of God Part 13 Esther Chapter 6

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NIV Esther Chapter 6.

Here Comes The King Part 12 Luke Chapter 2

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible Luke Chapter 2.

The kingdom Of God Part 11 Matthew Chapter 7

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible Matthew Chapter 7

The Kingdom Of God part 10 Mark Chapter 9

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible mark Chapter 9.

The Kingdom Of God Part 9 John Chapter 14

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible John Chapter 14.

The Kingdom Of God Part 8 Luke Chapter 4

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible Luke Chapter 4.

The Kingdom Of God Part 7 Matthew Chapter 14

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible Matthew 14.

The Kingdom Of God Part 6 Luke 17

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible Luke Chapter 17.

It Can Change In 24 Hours Thanksgiving Day Special ( 2 Kings 7 )

It change in 24 hours Thanksgiving Day special. The story of God save the people of Israel within 24 hours. Scripture Taken From NIV Bible 2 Kings Chapter 7.

The Kingdom Of God Part 5 Matthew 18

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The NKJ Bible Matthew Chapter 18.

The Joy Of Thanksgiving In The Midst Tragedy

The joy of thanksgiving in the mist of tragedy the story of Job trusting God when hard time.Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Job Chapter 1 & 42.

The Kingdom Of God Part 4 Galatians Chapter 5

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From The ESV Bible Galatians Chapter 5.

The Kingdom Of God Part 3 Matthew Chapter 4

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From the NLT Matthew chapter 4:18 -25.

The Kingdom Of God Part 2 1 Corinthians 4:20

The Kingdom of God part 2 Paul says the kingdom is not in word but in power. Scripture Taken from The ESV Bible 1 Corinthians 4:20

The Kingdom Of God ( Matthew 6)

The Kingdom of God we will be look at how the Kingdom of God operate in the world today a new series. Scripture Taken From the NLT Matthew chapter 6 verse 33.

Keep On Asking ( Mark Chapter 10)

Keep on asking the story of Blind Beggared name Bartimaeus wanted to see hearing Jesus nearby. He start shouting Son Of David have mercy on me. People tried discour...

I May Be A Dog But I Am Going To Ask Anyway ( Matthew 15 )

I may be a dog but I am going to ask anyway. The story of the gentile woman faith asking Jesus to heal her daughter who was demon possessed. The mother refused to give...

The Power Of Asking Part 2 ( Nehemiah Chapter2)

The Power of Asking story of Nehemiah asking God for favor with the King. God granted his request because He is all powerful. Scripture Taken From NASB The Book Of Neh...

The Power Of Asking ( Nehemiah Chapter 1)

The Power of Asking story of Nehemiah asking God for favor with the King. God granted his request because He is all powerful. Scripture Taken From NASB The Book Of Neh...

I Am Confused, But I Trust You ( Psalm 73)

I am confused, but I trust you Psalm 73 written by Asaph tell how as believers we can be confused. Because of seeing the wicked prosper and the righteous are strugglin...

It's A Small Thing ( 2 Samuel 7

It's small thing when have problem they are small thing insight of God. Story of God defeating King David enemies, and give him rest. King David want to honor God and ...

It's Time To Go ( Mark Chapter 6)

It's time to go the story of Jesus sending out his disciples two by two given authority over evil spirit. He sent them out with only a walk stick and sandal totally de...

I Trust In God Not Myself ( 1 Samuel 26)

I trusted in God not myself story of David refusing to take power in his own hands, but relying on God's perfect time defeat enemy. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible 1 Sa...

No Weapon ( Isaiah 54)

No weapon formed against you will prosper God has a mighty promise. for you, and me. Keep trusting God when it get difficult because he is up to something great. Scrip...

The Battle Not Yours ( 2 Chronicles 20)

The battle not yours when the children of Judah was facing insurmountable odd. King Jehoshaphat called for the people to see the Lord , and fast. God gave his word the...

You Are Not Alone