Displaying 211 - 240 of 514 in total

The God Of A Second Chance ( Genesis 6)

The God of a second chance the story of Noah, and how he found grace with God. Scripture Taken From NLT Genesis Chapter 6

Is God Merciful ( 2 Samuel 12)

Is God merciful based on the story of David, and Bathsheba. David had Uriah killed in battle because of his affair with his wife. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible 2 Sam...

Good And Bad Leadership (Part 2 Exodus Chapter 14)

Good and bad leadership story of Moses trusting God. The Pharaoh leading to his own understanding. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Exodus Chapter 14.

Good And Bad Leadership ( Exodus 14)

Good and bad leadership story of Moses trusting God. The Pharaoh leading to his own understanding. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Exodus Chapter 14.

When Trouble Comes ( Psalm 34)

When trouble comes we must trust God even if everything is bleak and unclear. David writes this Psalm when he is on the run from Saul hiding in the enemy's camp of the...

What About The Cross ( Colossians Chapter 2)

What happened on the cross Paul tells as about the victory on the cross. Paul tell how God defeated Satan and public displayed his victory. Scripture Taken From NLT B...

Christ Is The Visible Image Of The Invisible God ( Colossians Chapter 1)

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. Paul tells us about how Jesus was God in the flesh.Scripture take from NLT Bible Colossians Chapter 1.

God Is Our Protection ( Psalm 91)

God is our protection also we remember those who lost their lives in 9/11/2022. Scripture Taken From NKJB Psalm 91.

What About Faith ( Part 3 Hebrews Chapter 11)

What about faith found in the Book of Hebrews how without faith it is impossible to please God.Scripture Taken From NLT Bibles BooK of Hebrews Chapter 11.

What About Faith ( Part 2 Hebrews Chapter 11)

What about faith based on book of Hebrews without faith it is impossible please God. Scripture Taken NLT Hebrews Chapter 11.

What About Faith ( Hebrews Chapter 11)

What about faith in the book Hebrews speak about how the world was created by faith.Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Chapter 11.

What Did Jesus Say about Forgiveness and Faith ( Luke Chapter 17)

What did Jesus teach about forgiveness and faith in the Gospel. Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible Luke Chapter 17.

I am Ready To Throw In The Towel ( 1Kings !7)

I am ready to throw in the towel story of God providing Elijah and the widow at Zarephath. How her son was resurrected by the power of Prayer!!! ! Scripture Taken F...

I Am The Shepherd Jesus ( John 10)

I am the the shepherd Jesus explain he is the Good Shepherd.Scriptures Taken ESV Bible John Chapter 10.

I Am In A Drought ( 1Kings 18)

I am in a drought story Elijah tell the people that is going to rain. Scripture Taken From NKJ Bible 1 Kings 18

Unexpected Miracle Part 3 (Acts 12)

Unexpected miracle story of Peter be miraculous delivered from Prison through the power of Prayer. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Acts Chapter 12.

Part 2 Unexpected Miracle ( Luke 13 )

Part 2 Unexpected miracle story of the woman bent over for 18 years, but Jesus healed her on the Sabbath day. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Luke Chapter 13.

Unexpected Miracle ( Luke 7)

Unexpected miracle Jesus raise a widow son from the dead because he had passion for her. Scripture Taken From NLT Luke Chapter 7.

The forerunner John The Baptist Matthew Chapter 3

the forerunner story of John Baptist prepare the way for Christ. Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible Matthew Chapter3.

The Role Of Evangelist ( John 4)

The role of evangelist story of the woman at well Jesus use her to evangelize her world.Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible John Chapter 4.

Standing Strong In Christ ( 2 Timothy 3)

Standing strong in Christ Paul charge Timothy to stand strong in faith when hardships come. Scripture taken From The NLT Bible 2 Timothy 3.

The Wrong View Of The Cross ( Isaiah 53)

When Jesus was on the cross people believed he was been punished. But In reality he was saving fallen mankind. Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible.

The Invisible God ( Part 7 Genesis Chapter 12)

The invisible God part 7 story of when Abram when God call him to leave home. God protect him along the wait. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Genesis Chapter 12.

The Invisible God That He Sees ( Part 6 Genesis Chapter 16)

The Invisible God that he sees part 6. The story how God seen Hagar hardship he gave her a promises he would take care of her. Scripture Taken From NLT Bibles Genesis ...

The Invisible God that Hears ( Part 5 Isaiah Chapter 38)

The Invisible God that hears part 5. The story of King Hezekiah God hear his prayer heals him of his illness. Scripture taken From NLT Bible Isaiah Chapter 38.

The Invisible God ( Part 4 Daniel Chapter 3)

The invisible God part 4. The story of God rescuing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from King Nebuchadnezzar. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Daniel chapter 3.

The Invisible God ( Part 3 Joshua Chapter 2)

The invisible God Part 3 story of Rahab how testimony gave the the two spies confident in God. Scripture Taken ESV Bible Chapter 2.

The Invisible God Part 2 Story Of Jonah

The invisible God part 2 story of Jonah how this invisible AGod shows up visible Scripture taken form the NLT Bible Jonah Chapter 1.

The Invisible God ( Daniel Chapter 6)

The invisible God who is visible he save Daniel from the den of lions. Scripture taken from the NKJ Bible Daniel Chapter 6.

Is God Real ? ( Isaiah 44)

Is God real ? Isaiah tell the people who God really is and idols are worthless . Scripture taken from NLT Bible Isaiah 44.

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