Displaying 241 - 270 of 514 in total

His Ways Are Not Ours Ways ( Isaiah 55)

Isaiah speak on how wonderful God is ( His ways are not our ways neither is his thought. Scripture taken from the NKJ Bible Isaiah Chapter 55. Thanks for you support.

What is The Greatest Commandment (Matthew Chapter 22 34-40

What is the the greatest commandment the Pharisees tried to trip Jesus up like always he left them stunned by his answer. Scripture taken NLT Matthew Chapter 22.

How Powerful Is Our God ( Psalm 121)

How powerful is our God is Magnificent all knowing. God is bigger then our imagination. Scripture taken from ESV Bible Psalm 121.

Who God Choose ( 1Samuel 16 Story of David)

When God choose you he qualify the call on a person life, then he equip you for success.Scripture taken for the NKJB 1Samuel 16.

The Goodness Of God Genesis Chapter 22

The goodness of God story of Abraham offer Issac up the God. Scripture taken from NKJV Bible Genesis Chapter 22.

Family Preached By Donnetta Carmichael

What is the meaning of family preached by Donnetta Carmichael.

What Is A Friend Acts Chapter 9 & 1 Samuel 18

What is a friend some one who believes in you when you do not believe in yourself. Scripture Taken from ESV Bible Act Chapter 9 & 1 Samuel 18.

The 10 Commandments Exodus Chapter 20: 3-17

How the children of Israel was instructed to trust God with all their heart and minds going into the promise land. Scripture taken from the NLT Bible Exodus Chapter 20.

Does God Remember Part 3 Exodus Chapter 2

Does God remember? God is a promise keeper he remember children of Israel cried out God heard them sent Moses. Scripture taken from the NKJ Bible Exodus Chapter 2.

God Does Remember Part 2 Genesis Chapter 21

Does God remember? God is a promise keeper he remember Sarah ,and Abraham. Scripture taken from the NKJ Bible Genesis Chapter 21.

Does God Remember Part 1 Genesis Chapter 8

Does God remember? God is a promise keeper he remember Noah and his family. Scripture taken from the NKJ Bible Genesis Chapter 8.

Cornelius Part 2 Acts Chapter 10

The story Cornelius God is open door for Gentile believer Peter is going to be use by Jesus Christ. Scripture Taken form NKJ Bible Acts Chapter 10.

Cornelius Acts Chapter 10

The story Cornelius God is open door for Gentile believer Peter is going to be use by Jesus Christ. Scripture Taken form NKJ Bible Acts Chapter 10.

Saul Conversion Part 2 Acts 9

Saul conversion he gets Jesus a chosen vessel of the Lord to suffer much. He is sent to gentiles, Kings, and Israel. Scripture taken from NLT Acts Chapter 9.

The Resurrection Of The Dead (1 Corinthians 15)

The resurrection of the dead Paul explains that resurrection really happen or it would be waste of time believe. Scripture taken from the ESV Bible 1 Corinthians 15.

Spy Wednesday ( Matthew 26)

Spy Wednesday when Judas goes to the leading to see how much they would give him for betraying Christ. Scripture taken form the NLT Bible Matthew Chapter 26.

Holy Monday ( Mark Chapter 11)

Holy Monday Jesus last week before goes to the cross defeating Satan. Scripture Taken From NLT Bible Mark Chapter 11.

Saul Conversion Part 1 Acts Chapter 9

Saul conversion he gets Jesus a chosen vessel of the Lord to suffer much. He is sent to gentiles, Kings, and Israel. Scripture taken from NLT Acts Chapter 9.

Phillip Preaches In Samaria ( Part 2 Acts Chapter 8)

Phillips preaches in Samaria because of persecutions the Good News is been preached. Scripture take from NLT Book Of Acts Part 2 Chapter 8.

Phillip Preaches In Samaria ( Part 1 Act 8)

Phillips preaches in Samaria because of persecutions the Good News is been preached. Scripture take from NLT Book Of Acts Chapter 8.

Part 2 Solomon Prayer ( 1 Kings Chapter 8)

We look at the power of prayer Solomon when he dedicated temple asking God to watch over the people. Scripture taken NLT Bible 1 Kings Chapter 8.

Solomon Prayer 1 Kings Chapter 8

We look at the power of prayer Solomon when he dedicated temple asking God to watch over the people. Scripture taken NLT Bible 1 Kings Chapter 8.

Curses Of Disobedience Part 4 Deuteronomy Chapter 28

The cures of disobedience Moses explain to the people of Israel what would happen if they did not follow God commands. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Deuteronomy Chapt...

Solomon Dedication Of The Temple ( 2 Chronicles 7)

Solomon delicate the temple God show up gives instructions on how to live for him.Scripture taken form NLTBible 2 Chronicles Chapter 7.

The Curses Disobedience Part 2 ( Deuteronomy 28)

The cures of disobedience Moses explain to the people of Israel what would happen if they did not follow God commands. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Deuteronomy Chapt...

By Faith In The Old Testament Part 5 ( Jesus Comes To Dinner Genesis 18)

By faith in the old testament part 5. When Jesus visit Abraham, and Sarah have dinner bring good news about having a son. The judgment on Sodom ,and Gomorrah. But Abra...

The Curses Of Disobedience ( Deuteronomy 28)

The cures of disobedience Moses explain to the people of Israel what would happen if they did not follow God commands. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Deuteronomy Chapt...

Come Back Home ( Luke 15)

Come back home the parable of the lost son " When he came to his sense". He return home a changed person. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Luke Chapter 15.

Blessings For Obedience ( Deuteronomy 28)

Blessings for Obedience the promise God gave the people of Israel before entering the promise land. Scripture taken from NLT Bible Deuteronomy Chapter 28.

By Faith In The Old Testament Part 4 ( 2 Kings Chapter 1)

by faith in the Old Testament story of Kings Ahaziah who did not trust in God but went to false god Baal- zebub of Ekron. But the Prophet Elijah stand up for God. Scri...

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