Displaying 361 - 390 of 514 in total

IF God Is For You Who Can Be Against You Story Of Joseph Genesis 41

If God for you who can be against story of Jospeh Part 3. Scripture taken ESV Bible.

Being Thankful Story Of The Ten Leprosy Luke 17

Happy Thanksgiving story of Ten Leprosy in Luke 17 being thankful scripture taken from the ESV.

If God For You who Can Be Against You Genesis 39

If God for you who could be against you .part 2 story of Jospeh Genesis Chapter 39 NIV Bible

If God For You Who Can Be Against You (Genesis 26 Isaac )

If God for you who can be against you.The story of how God Bless Isaac for be obedient to what he told him to do. Scripture Taken For The NIV Bible Genesis Chapter 26.

Interceding For Others

Abraham intercede for Sodom before God.Scripture Taken From The NIV Bible Genesis Chapter 18.

I'm In The Fire ( Daniel Chapter 3)

The story how God delivered Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego out of the hands of Nebuchadnezzar supernatural. Scripture Taken From NIV Bible Chapter 3.

I'm In The Den

Story of Daniel been put in the Den with lions, but God saved him. Scripture taken from NKJV Bible Chapter 6.

I'm Discouraged ( 1Samuel 30)

David faced discouragement when his friends want to stone him he trusted God and prevail. Scripture Taken From NKJ Bible ( 1Samuel 30)

Even The Dogs Eat (Matthew 15)

In Matthew Chapter 15 story of Gentile woman who would not let insult keep her from getting her daughter healed. Her faith prevailed with Jesus. Scripture Taken From N...

Never Seen Such A Faith ( Luke 7)

Jesus marveled at the centurion faith he understood that were an order in heaven. Scripture Taken NKJ Bible Chapter 7.

We Have A Mighty God ( Ps. 145)

We have a mighty God David talk about praising God and all mighty works. Scripture Taken From NKJV Bible Ps.145.

Don't Stop Asking ( Mark Chapter 10 Blind Bartimaeus)

Don't stop asking God. Blind Bartimaeus did not give up asking even people tried to discourage him. Scripture Taken From NLT Mark Chapter 10.

Who Is My Neighbor ( Luke 10 )

Who is my neighbor teacher of the law tried to trick Jesus but failed. Scripture Taken From The LVT Bible Luke Chapter 10.

Sennacherib Challenge God's Family ( Isaiah 36-37)

Sennacherib challenge God's family. But little did he know that God will fight for people who trust him. Scripture Taken From NKJV Bible The BooK Isaiah Chapter 36-37.

Prayer Really Works (Acts 12)

Prayer really works how God saved Peter from Herod after Janes was killed by Herod. Scripture Taken From The NIV Bible Chapter 12.

How Did Jesus Handle Temptation ( Chapter 4)

How does Jesus handle temptation. Jesus gives us a blueprint how to fight the devil when he tempts us. Power to overcome remain steadfast in God words. Scripture Take...

Name Change (Genesis 17 Abraham & Sarah)

God change Abram, and Sarai name because he keeps his promise.He also revealed to Abram he was El -Shaddai God Almighty. Scripture Taken From The NLT Bible. Genesis 17.

Walking As Children Of The Light (Ephesians Chapter 4)

How we are suppose to walk as God children based Ephesians Chapter 4:17-32. Scripture Taken NLT.

The Purpose Of The Church ( Ephesians Chapter 4)

The purpose of the Church based on Ephesians Chapter 4. Scripture Taken From NLT.

The Works Of Jesus Christ ( Matthew 4)

The works of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 4. Jesus went about healing people's. Scripture taken from The NKJV Matthew Chapter 4.

God Will Provide ( 2 Kings 4)

God will provide. In 2 Kings 4 story of widow who husband severed the Lord passed away. Due to his death left debt she could not paid, but God provide supernatural. Sc...

I Am Here ( Mark 6: 45-56)

I am Here Jesus walk on water in a storm. Mark 6 :45- 56 Scripture Taken From NLT Mark Chapter 6.

How Christ Handle A Bad Day ( Matthew 14)

How Christ handle a bad day John Baptist behead. Scripture take from the NIV Matthew 14.

Tested ( Genesis 22 Abraham & Issac )

Genesis 22 Abraham is tested by God to sacrifice his one only son Issac God is faithful. NIV Bible Genesis 22.

Special ( The Prayer Of Faith Healing James 5)

(Special) The prayer of Faith Healing for your People. Scripture Take From NIV James 5.

Let Me Help My Friend ( Mark 2)

My friend need help based on Mark 2 story how four friends help there friend get his healing from Jesus. Scripture Taken From Mark Chapter 2.

Time To Come Home ( Luke 15)

Time to come home talk about the parable of the lost son. Scripture taken from the NIV Bible Chapter 15. Our 1st Year Anniversary Thanks for listening.

The Mission Of The Twelve ( Mark 6 7-13)

The mission of the twelve Jesus send out his disciples two by two experience the power of Christ. Mark Chapter 6 7-13)

Spiritual Warfare (Ephesians 6)

Spiritual warfare based on Ephesians 6 NIV Bible trusting God.

You Can't Do Nothing Without God( Exodus 17)

You can't do nothing without God. How used Moses, Joshua,Aaron, and Hur to defeat Amalekities. As long Moses held the Staff Of God up they were winning the battle.But ...

You Are Not Alone